ScreaminglyObvious things:
In what way is "Nuclear Power Pollutes" "lucrative"?
Items someone censored from the list:
The first to present his case seems right, till another comes forward and questions him. -- Proverbs 18:17 NIV
In other words, things seem ScreaminglyObvious to us until we hear the other side of the story.
Odd point on the controversial article about sex-ed:
In five of the trials examined - four abstinence programmes and one school-based sex education programme - an increase in pregnancies among the partners of young men involved was observed.
So whether or not sex-ed is a bad thing, I think the study does demonstrate that Abstinence-oriented sex-ed is just pathetic. -- MartinZarate
Another conclusion from the article seems to be that there's a minority that's hard to reach one way or another, but that the majority seems to benefit from sex-ed.
I really don't want to get side-tracked into questions of pragmatics, dialects and common usage versus externally imposed, formal grammars, because I think this page makes a useful point and I don't want it to get lost. However, to me the original title of the page was talking about the activity of screaming the word "obvious". The comment about gerunds modifying adjectives is one of finding a grammar that explains the existing usage and therefore somehow allowing it to be called "correct". My point is that while it may be the case that for some people there is no distinction between "ScreamingObvious" and "ScreaminglyObvious", to me they convey completely different ideas. Losing that distinction seems a shame.
See also ObligedVsObligated.
To preserve your original meaning, perhaps you can refer to things that ScreamObvious rather than to things that are ScreamingObvious.
Screaming is an obvious event, so ScreaminglyObvious makes sense as a description for anything that seems as obvious as a scream, whether or not it screams. Lots of stuff is obvious but not correct. Like see this nose on my face? It's as obvious as the nose on your face, but now watch as I peel off the latex and reveal a surprising new topology. Ha, screamingly misled you! As AustinPowers would say, "Ignore this! Ignore this!".