Pseudo Random Number Generator

Anyone who considers algorithmic methods for creating random numbers is, of course, in a state of sin. For, as has been pointed out several times, there is no such thing as a random number– there are only methods to produce random numbers, and a strict arithmetic procedure of course is not such a method. -- JohnVonNeumann

A pseudo-random string is one that has been produced by some deterministic means (as by an algorithm) but possesses many of the same statistical properties as a random string.

There are essentially two categories of algorithms used to produce pseudo-random strings of bits.

PseudoRandomNumberGenerators are not random, but (the good ones, at least) are random enough for most practical use. They use a deterministic function that outputs numbers based on the previous state of the generator. They usually require a seed, some number to initialize (or become) the internal state of the generator. If the same seed is used, the same output should be generated. A common (but flawed) method of seeding PseudoRandomNumberGenerators is to use the system time. This method is normally fine for simple games and simulations, but destroys any security gained by using a CSPRNG, because the seed can be more easily figured out. The best seeding methods use a TrueRandom and secure process.

It is utterly meaningless to speak of the "goodness" of a PRNG outside of the context of a particular application. What constitutes a "good" PRNG for strong encryption may be totally different from what constitutes a "good" PRNG for a Monte Carlo simulation in physics.

...because there are an unbounded number of different possible ways of judging "goodness", yet it is formally impossible to satisfy all possible such measures.

Which is part of the "essence of the subject" previously mentioned to be inadequately addressed on this page.

Knuth provides several StatisticalTestsForRandomness? in Vol. 2, and tries to formally define 'good.' There are definitely properties good prng's possess. The necessity of various properties in various applications doesn't negate their existence. Examples: Statistically random sequence (which is something all prng's aim for and is, in many ways, measurable) Fast (speed is something an encryption algorithm might sacrifice more than, say, the next property. But it's no less useful) Cryptographically secure (as defined way up above, and it isn't always necessary)

Anyway, in these (and, I'm sure, other) dimensions the 'goodness' of a prng can be discussed. In fact, one might say it can be discussed in the context of, say, speed, outside of various applications.

One measure of the "goodness" of a PseudoRandomNumberGenerator is how many numbers in its sequence need to be observed before one can guess the next number.

To produce evenly distributed integers in a range (assuming your PRNG is also evenly distributed) one must always throw away bits (unless the range is [0, 2^N), because then you can just construct an N-bit value). One of the best methods I've seen is in JavaLanguage's Random class:

      //next(N) returns the next value in the generator's output, cropped to N bits
      public int nextInt(int n) {
         if (n<=0)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("n must be positive");

if ((n & -n) == n) // i.e., n is a power of 2 return (int)((n * (long)next(31)) >> 31);

int bits, val; do { bits = next(31); val = bits % n; } while(bits - val + (n-1) < 0); return val; }

If the internal state of a PRNG is N bits, then it *will* cycle and repeat the same sequence over and over again, with a cycle length of at most 2^N steps, generating at most 2^N unique numbers (often much less). If you use a PRNG that has 16 bits of internal state, but you are trying to generate 32 bit numbers (or worse, floating point numbers) (perhaps by simply concatenating consecutive 16 bit values), there are certain 32 bit numbers that will never occur. But why would you use a 16 bit PRNG, when you could use a 32 bit PRNG -- or better yet, the MersenneTwister with 19937 bits of internal state?

the rest of the page still needs work

Did my edits help make things less meaningless ? -- DavidCary

No. I'm sorry, but no, definitely not. I appreciate that you gave it the good old college try, as they say, but no, it's still, I'm sorry to say, slipshod, no clear improvement. For instance, "Practically all practical PRNGs generate every number in their range with roughly equal probability". That is false as stated, and misses the essence of the subject, even though it's kind of sort of almost kind of pragmatically almost true, except not.

Worse yet, "However, it is typically very easy to guess the next number in a sequence if you know some of the previous numbers", this is only true of "bad" PRNGs. It is definitely false for PRNGs such as BlumBlumShub. corrected

It is true that older popular PRNGs tended to have that fault; the MersenneTwister was created to foil the extremely poor 6-dimensional behavior of most linear congruential PRNGs, which was actually visually obvious when plotted in nothing more complicated than a difference equation phase space. But that's (hopefully) ancient history.

The previous guy seemed to take my advice to study the masters like Knuth, and then rewrite, rather than shooting from the hip, and although admittedly I didn't study his changes for hours, he did seem to have done precisely that with his rewrite. His second draft looked very much as if he had reviewed primary sources. You're still shooting from the hip. I don't mean to be mean, I'm just saying that it's good to tighten things up by reviewing masterful sources, such as Knuth, rather than just doing a second edit from one's own thoughts.

Again, I'm not trying to give you a hard time, it's just that this is a deep subject, and "obvious" statements are frequently misleading, partially true, or outright false. I'd be happy to clarify here and there, but of course I can't serve as a primary source. -- Doug

That ... misses the essence of the subject

Yes, I'm no expert on cryptography.

So, what is the essence of the subject?

-- DavidCary

[Someone deleted older ThreadMode metadiscussion about problems of this page, apparently believing that, since conversation did not continue after a certain date, then this page must be fine as it stands. Incorrect. This page contains many explicit and implied errors. Previous state of page restored.]

My apologies.

Contrast TrueRandom.

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