The factors needed to program successfully in full comfort and self-sufficiency:
- ProgrammingFood
- Preferably dark or dim room
- Relative silence (when infringed the programmer reserves the right to sulk)
- Many useless and dusty items adorning the programmer’s desk
- A toilet roll
- BritishCulturalAssumption; they let us take bathroom breaks in the U.S. :-)
- bog roll can be used for a multitude of marvels, blowing of the nose, wiping of the fingers; see ProgrammingFood, removal of greasy fingerprints from the screen, programming beginners TinFoilHat etc.
- Takeaway menus (or carry-out menus, as the case may be)
- On becoming more advanced a TinFoilHat
Please add your essential to either this list or the one above :
- Comfy Clothes (pajamas maybe)
- A phone that cannot receive incoming calls
CategoryWikiUser CategoryHumor (maybe)