[One of the SelectingaMethodology points...]
See: http://www.cms.livjm.ac.uk/paulvickers/downloadables/CD3005/ch8-12.pdf -- (page 23-24 of the Acrobat document, page 107-108 printed) -- which says, among other things...
12.3. The Principle of Dispassionate Methodology
Ron's skepticism of PrincipleOfBeneficentDifficulty would probably have an echo here. Can good advice come from people who "care about your problem"... as opposed to just wanting to help you ?
Over the last couple of years, I have grown of the opinion that this should apply this to most of the ExtremeProgramming discussion here. In fact, I take great objection to any branded methodology. Why don't you? -- SunirShah
see TakingException.
what a shock! I actually agree with you on both points, Sunir! So much so, that you can't even buy my branded methodology... in fact, I'll bet you can't even find it - or define it! As GertrudeStein would say if she saw it: "and when you get there, there's no there there." (well, actually, she did say it, but not with respect to Crystal). Maybe all I have is a brand, and no methodology - you wouldn't be able to object to that, then would you? (oops yes you would, you'd say it looks just like RUP :-) --AlistairCockburn
[See also PrincipleOfBeneficentDifficulty.]