Plug And Play Data

Data which contains information about what it is. Programs utilizing DataRecognitionSoftware will be enabled to utilize data contained.

XML Provides a method

Can this DataTypeDefinition? be recognized by a wide range of Software products?

Original Introduction to this Page

A proposed approach would employ techniques and procedures contained in the operating system and/or at the executable program level, (not merely filename extension/association level) With the Operaating System/Program having the capability of recognizing what the data representation is (regardless of the extension and filenaming convention) and the ability to scan the files which may contain data and provide on demand the list and location of files with accessable data for that Operating System/SoftwareProgram? Configuration, along with such search and query dialogs to make it possible for one to use the data, regardless of whether it is plain text, worksheet, or database, XML, Unix, CAD data or even proprietary format.

It is something worth doing, The question is - How can it be done?

Could be accomplished in progressive steps

This could be based on

Windows Explorer

Is there a way to improve the Windows Explorer system? -- SteveHowell See discussion on DottedPrefixExtensions

Some programs, such as editors and browsers, work with many file extensions.

Other programs, such as XML editors, In practice Examples

This page indicates the need for

See FileTypingSystem for other approaches.

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