Partition Magic

Partition Magic is disk partitioning software, which allows you to create and resize partitions on a drive, or convert from one file system type to another, without losing data already on the drive. It is made by a company called PowerQuest?. There is other software that will do the same job.

My one and only copy of PartitionMagic was an older version marked down to $5 at the local big-box office store. Since I planned to use it on a Win95 box (at a time when MicroSoft was shipping WindowsXp), an old version was just what I needed. Even better, inside the shrink-wrapped box was a coupon for a $15 rebate, with no expiration date.

I used the software exactly once. It worked. PowerQuest? honored the rebate.

A functional, simple utility I got paid to use. I wish more software were like this.


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