Paper prototype is something of a misnomer since what I mean by it is any prototypical element that is essentially a viewgraph presentation. A more sophisticated version of paper prototype is one which uses any of the many computer programs that let you incorporate elements that you can click on to see different screens -- such program as Charisma, Powerpoint and others are often the first step in a very effective strategy involving the users. See also HierarchyOfPrototypes --RaySchneider
In my experience,a paper PaperPrototype works very well in sketching human factors systems - better than the GUI prototyping systems in fact. You can put the essence of the screen on a card - click a button with your pencil, show the next card. Change directions on a dime, where the GUI prototyper will take days while someone gets the buttons lined up. --RonJeffries
Most visual designers I know tend to prefer paper to prototype tools. One problem with using electronic tools is that they discourage change. They tend to take longer to build so you don't want to keep revising. The tools that are actually faster than paper and pencil tend to suffer from a few more problems:
Storytelling is the key. Works wonders with the users. They smile and become like kids again--- they use their imaginations.
Now, if only I can get the resulting application to live up to their expectations.
-- ToddCoram
Try MockupScreens. It avoids most of the problems listed above. -- Igor Jese
I think it's important to add that the extra work of creating en electronic prototype is an investment that often brings about an emotional attachment to every little thing. -- KevinSwarts
This is a case where Wiki naming has lead to duplication. There was a discussion on this subject already in LowFidelityPrototypes. -- KyleBrown
See: LowFidelityPrototypes, PaperPrototyping IsAnythingBetterThanPaper