Python, C, Scheme, Haskell programmer. Interested in EsotericProgrammingLanguages, TheoryOfComputation? and DoingSillyThings?.
It seems most of my contributions here are what they've been on posting lists recently: clarifying FunctionalProgramming (or my view on it), MonadicProgramming, LazyEvaluation. Also MySql, databases, FactoringLargePrograms (which was renamed for no clear reason of the IMO more descriptive ObjectAbstractionMadness?), VotingPatterns, JapaneseLanguage, whatnot.
I recently started a discussion in NumberOfKeystrokes which produced IcosahedronImplementation and AreLongAndDescriptiveRelated. Still related is WhatIsaProject.
(Most of) my homepage(s) can be found here:
They reside on the server of a cooperative founded by me and my friends, .
[answering a comment now deleted]
MySQL is also a Finnish product, and PHP has very many Finnish contributors. My opinions about these products are, in order:
The most important aspect of a scheduler is not how much time it itself consumes but instead how "correct amount" of time it gives to different processes. But the comment(s) above may be outdated. IIRC, they were written year 2002.