CategoryAntiPattern CategoryEmployment
Problem: Firing employees reduces morale.
Context: A small organization wants its employees to feel safe.
Resulting Context: Your competent programmers become disgruntled that they are getting paid only marginally more than the worthless programmers. Your really good programmers are frustrated because they spend time fixing the damage of the WarmBodies. Your middle managers and TechnicalLeads become angry that they have to manage people they cannot fire, and dream of effecting ParkingLotTherapy upon them.
Once the dead weight realizes "my managers don't think TheyCanFireMe" all hope is lost.
Respite will only come when shrinking budgets hold a gun to the manager's head and some people are finally LaidOff. Hopefully, your CowOrkers don't belong to the same DungeonsAndDragons group as your manager.
Rationale: Only mean managers fire people. There are no bad workers, only workers who aren't being managed properly.
Related: TerminationQuota, KeepPeopleGainfullyEmployed, WarningSignsOfCorporateDoom, HiringPatterns. (Do we need a FiringPatterns??)