This is the section to keep track of our meetings
Scheduled meetings
Next meeting ist not scheduled yet.
--> Please have a look at
where we discuss organizational issues (in German).
Former meetings
Thursday, January 16th 2003 19:30
Introduction of Scrum (ScrumProcess) and comparision to XP
Thursday, December 12th 2002
Had another nice meeting. Topic was XP critics (and many other stuff besides XP)
Thursday, November 15th 2002
The UG is still alive! Yeah!
Thursday, October 11th 2001
This has been a more open discussion about XP and the future topics of this UG.
1. AndreasZottmann and TobiasMeier give a report about their first experiences practicing ExtremeProgramming.
Our foundation meeting took place at:
August 23rd 2001 at 18:30 in the Unionsbräu in Haidhausen.
1. Foundation of our user group.
2. Everybody reports shortly why she is interested in xp and why she needs a user group.
3. Discussion about the purpose of this user group
4. Open discussion
5. Next meeting, where and when?
AndreasZottmann, FalkBruegmann, DanielSmeds?, WilliamLodgeTurner?
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