More About The Server

The server now runs CentOS, a RedHat clone, on a 64-bit kernel. The hardware is a Celeron clocking 10x and storing 2x our previous setup. Pages are served by a cgi (CommonGatewayInterface) script written in perl. The ApacheHttpd daemon runs the script for every page retrieved. It would be possible, should load demand, to RunScriptAsDaemon and thereby avoid these per-page overheads...

Another obvious optimization would be to run Wiki under ModPerl.

Also, FastCGI should be an easy way to speed up scripts.

Can someone help on this? I have scripts turned off, and when I request a wiki page the browser asks me a few times whether "Do you want to allow scripts?", whereas the Google search only asks once.

Also I think if I have recent changes (or new recent changes) up and if I leave these alone, 20 minutes later I am prompted by a whole bunch of "Do you want to allow scripts" questions.

Do we really need that much server scripts?


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