Mops Language

From the page:

Mops is a ProgrammingLanguage and development environment for the AppleMacintosh, written and maintained by MikeHore. It is an ObjectOriented native-code dialect of the ForthLanguage, with origins as a re-implementation of Neon. (NeonLanguage is a commercial programming package for the Macintosh that was sold by Kriya Systems, Inc. in the mid-1980s.)

While Neon died off years ago, Mops has thrived and continued to continued to improve, earning a reputation along the way as being both agile and user-friendly. Uniquely, Mops has included its complete source code in each distribution since its first public release. Seventeen years since its inception, Mops has completed its transition into a native stand-alone development solution for MacOsx, with its original author still at the helm.

As a fine example of PublicDomain software, Mops attracts advanced and novice users alike. Whether you have become frustrated with traditional vendor-supported language "solutions", grown resentful of the legal restrictions imposed on you by most developers of commercial software, or even if you never thought you had a reason (before now) to try something different, Mops might be just what you are looking for!

See also for a summary of the Neon/Mops object model.

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