For resource purpose, here is a list of people practical skills and experience related to extreme programming in Montreal
JeanPhilippeBelanger :
IainLowe :
StephaneLussier ( :
- Experience in web application development (ASP, SQL Server, JavaScript, glue languages...).
- Slight XP knowledge.
- Interested in light weight development processes, content management systems ; curious about XP; longs for real application development.
- Hasn't attended an XP meeting in a (long) while, but may come back one day...
JeromeFillon :
Pascal Roy : (
- Experience in : All XP practices, coaching XP teams.
- Experience in oo : C++, Java.
Luc St-Louis : (
Robin Y. Millette : (
- Experience in oo : C++, Java, Delphi, PHP (4.3 / Zend engine v2 is getting better and better at oop, don't laugh).
- Experience in other languages : French, C, HTML, JavaScript, Perl...
- Love to refactor, and refactor even more.
- Thinks that with enough levels of abstraction, one can get away with ultimately no code at all.
RodrigueCloutier : (rodcloutier @
BobPotter : (
- Experience: Currenlty leading a development team of 8 using XP practices
- Want to learn more about: OnsiteCustomer for projects with many customers.
- Experience in: Java (J2EE) and most other programming languages since Fortran.
JeanMarcHeneman :
- Ok, pour le moment, vous ne me trouverez plus beaucoup dans le groupe de XP montreal...
- Y-a-t-il du monde en informatique intéressé au Bouddhisme, à la spiritualité, au Yoga, à la communication nonviolente (NonviolentCommunication), à la nature, à l'évolution humaine, aux émotions, à changer de l'intérieur, à la marche silencieuse, l'écologie? (Bref un équilibre entre le corps, le coeur, l'âme et l'intellect...)
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