Quasi-minutes for the first meeting: (Wednesday May 30th 19h00-21h30)
People (Please add your names):
This meeting was mostly about seeing who was interested in XP in Montreal and who would show up. The turn out was encouraging and we just did some basic "get-to-know-people" stuff like describing who we are, where we work and what we want to get out of XP. We were 9 around the table.
The meeting was unstructured (intentionally) and so we took a lot of time to cover fairly little ground (but we had fun isn't it?). Some of the things we came away with were:
- An interest in AgileMethodologies in general (in specific how they measure up to XP and whether or not they are viable alternatives). See AgileAlliance.
- A desire to have some topic or theme to future meetings.
- A proposal for somebody to write up a presentation or guide a discussion of a specific topic which would be posted here and discussed a bit prior to the meeting to make sure that it covers relevant issues.
- Some interesting ideas about PairProgramming and the role of software aided development (specifically involving KeithPatons Code Auditing software Code Check).
- We agreed to communicate using the mailing list (see above) and this wiki for the time being - IainLowe proposed that he start another wiki if we get to be too much for this one (or too off-topic).