Quasi-minutes for the fourth meeting : (Thursday October 4th 19h00-22h00). People: jmh, il, bp, jpb, sl, jerome.
- No Agenda.
- Future presentation:
- Unit testing (people interested to do the presentation: JP, IL, Jerome and John).
- XP tools and human side of XP (people interested to do the presentation: Jmh, Stephane).
- During the meeting, we talked about:
- Presentations with the CRIM (thematical day) (cf JP)
- Selling incremental delivery
- The fact we are often talking against the management... ;-)
- Nasa dev, life critical development, building planes and XP
- Retrospective
- Humiliation (humility?) and attitude during meetings
- Suggested order of transition to XP : UnitTests, refactoring, frequent integrations.