Makefile For Vb Classic Build

Use GNU make to automate VbClassic builds.

Mmmm... that is a recursive Makefile, and some would argue that RecursiveMakeConsideredHarmful. The alternative is to include every component Makefile into the master Makefile (make sure you get the directories right, though).

A sample makefile for VisualBasic:

 BC=vb6 /out $(LOGFILE)
 DLLUN=regsvr32 /s /u /c

%.dll : %.vbp; @echo Compiling $@ ... @if exist $@ $(DLLUN) $@ @$(BC) $(DLLFLAG) $<

fwSessionManager.dll: fwSessionManager.res modError.bas modFrameworkTypes.bas modGuid.bas modRegistry.bas modResource.bas modResSessionManager.bas modSqlFunc.bas SessionManager.cls ../IAuthUser/fwIAuthUser.tlb ../Datasource/fwDatasource.dll

../IAuthUser/fwIAuthUser.tlb: $(MAKE) -C ../IAuthUser

../Datasource/fwDatasource.dll: $(MAKE) -C ../Datasource

clean: @if exist fwSessionManager.dll $(DLLUN) fwSessionManager.dll -@del *.dll -@del *.exp -@del *.lib -@del $(LOGFILE)

I especially invite comments/advice from non-VBers on this topic. I found this way to simplify our VisualBasic builds with makefiles, but if I'm not applying the tool correctly, tell me. -- MattGarland

Would you want to unregister the DLLs before deleting them?

Something like...

foreach %%f in (*.DLL) do regsvr32 /u %f
(Not that I really remember how to do that in MS-DUNCE anymore. ;-)

Make? Yuch!!! Use Ant!

Why not write a little program or script to obtain the dependencies for a given target from the project file?


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