Lindows Os

A desktop-ized (DebianGnuLinux) Linux distribution, produced commercially by LindowsDotCom? Inc., characterized by improved hardware detection and ease of installation.

The subject of a (predictable) lawsuit between MicroSoft and LindowsDotCom?, which suit has found its way to Europe.

Translation: MS lawyers went shopping for a judge in a jurisdiction where they knew they could win. So much for Equal Access...

Started by MichaelRobertson?, the same guy that built into a hugely successful business.

Evidently, although this distro features ease of use as its primary driving feature, it defaults to "root" access when first installed (not unlike Windows). This was apparently only true for an early alpha version, and simply hasn't been true since.

Although I was impressed by version 3.0 (they're up to version 4 now), I had trouble getting it to print to a known common printer type (Epson Stylus) on a print server gadget. Granted, part of the problem was the gadget, but I was able to get Windows to print to it.

I'd be interested in any experiences others have had deploying or administering this thing. A number of my clients want either a "right now" replacement for Windows or at least a viable alternative if Windows becomes economically non-viable.

Apparently recently banned by the Dutch government under the "passing off" legislation.

The product name has been changed to Linspire (LinspireOs?).

incidentely MS also tried to sue them for this name but failed

Product used to live at, now moved to

They pioneered a cool click-n-run warehouse concept that allows one to download and install software in a single step.

More recently, FreeSpire?, a free version of Lindows/Linspire has been announced/released.

I installed Lindows for a friend a couple of years ago so that his kids could surf the web without trashing the OS. The box running Lindows is the only one in their house that the kids have never been able to cripple by surfing Bad Places (tm).

Although there is a good argument that "Linspire does not measure up to Windows," I remember the days of getting Win3.1 running on DOS, and years of productive coding in that environment. The Linspire environment is certainly an order of magnitude better and more usable than the Win3.1/DOS environment, so I could certainly see myself working with it and not feeling deprived.

Given that millions of people found DOS/Win3.1 useful and productive despite its many flaws and shortcomings, and given that it was never as "ready for prime time" as Linspire and other desktop Linux efforts are today, I would have to say that Linux for the desktop is now a viable proposition.

Not, of course, for the spoon-fed cripples among us who still wonder where the "any" key is, but for those willing to figure out how to check their own tire pressure and oil level, it's crossed the usability threshold.

Update from 2013 - Now that the PersonalComputerIsDead? and everyone is using the Android tablet they bought at BestBuy? for $70, there is no more Any key and no one cares about operating systems anymore.

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