Life Vectors

Elements include Goals (where am I going ultimately), Purposes (why am I doing this), Policy (rules to keep aligned with those), Planning (how to go about getting there), Programs/Projects (codified steps with a timeline), Targets (expansion of these individual steps), Ideal Scenes (how things really ought to be), Metrics (how do you measure progress), Exchangeable Products (what things are produced toward this end). This is a whole subject with its own treatment in a different space.

What's important is that if what you're doing (at one end) does not align with where you want to go (at the other end), then clearly, something needs to change.

A kind of dissonance can be achieved if your vector elements "kind of" line up. If your rules (or targets, or planning) "almost" line up between the product you produce and the goal you've chosen, you'll find yourself engaged in continual course corrections, seen as decisions of the "why am I having to think about this" kind. The more aligned things are, the less effort is involved.

The individual has the power to choose. Wisdom is not an all-at-once thing. You pick a goal. You align your planning and activities to it. Later you decide it's not the best goal and you choose another one. Time to realign. You can't keep doing the same thing and expect to get to a different destination.

There are hazards associated with deliberate alignment. One of these is exposure to truth. One of the most dangerous things a person can do is recognize a truth and then turn one's back on it. Truth is not necessarily comfortable or pleasant. It is not always easy to DoTheRightThing. And what's "right" will be in the context of your chosen vector (as modified by social contexts).

The fact that you can't win in the current configuration does not mean the goal is wrong, nor does it mean that the work you've chosen is wrong, only that the current configuration is wrong. In order to find a WayToWin you need to step back far enough to understand the results of your possible choices (look as many moves ahead as you can).

-- GarryHamilton


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