Java Unit Test Framework With Timeout

This is part of JavaUnitTestChallengeSolved. -- DonWells

 import java.awt.*;
 import java.awt.event.*;
 public class TestGUI extends Frame {  
    static TestGUI testFrame;
    Label scoreLabel;
    List listOfTests;
    Test tests [];

TestGUI(){ setLayout(new BorderLayout()); setSize(250,180); setTitle("Unit Tests"); addWindowListener(exitListener()); add(scoreLabel(), "North"); add(listOfTests(), "Center"); add(runButton(), "South"); addTests(); showResults();}

public static void main(String arguments[]){ testFrame = new TestGUI(); testFrame.setVisible(true);}

public void addTests(){ tests = new Test[4]; tests[0] = new GoodTest?(); tests[1] = new FailTest?(); tests[2] = new AbortTest?(); tests[3] = new DeadLockTest?();}

void runTests() { addTests(); for (int each = 0; each < tests.length; each++){ runOneTest(each);}}

void runOneTest(int anIndex) { tests[anIndex].setResultToBeDeadlock(); tests[anIndex].setUp(); tests[anIndex].start(); waitTillTestFinishesOrDeadlock(anIndex); tests[anIndex].stop(); tests[anIndex].tearDown();}

private void waitTillTestFinishesOrDeadlock(int anIndex){ try { tests[anIndex].join(5000);} catch (InterruptedException exception){ return;}}

private void showResults() { listOfTests.removeAll(); for (int each = 0; each < tests.length; each++) { listOfTests.add(tests[each].result);} showScore();}

private void showScore(){ int passed = numberPassed(); float total = (float) tests.length; int score = (int)(passed / total * 100); scoreLabel.setText(new Integer(score).toString() + "%"); showPassFail(score);}

private int numberPassed (){ int passed = 0; for (int each = 0; each < tests.length; each++) { if (tests[each].success) { passed++;}} return passed;}

private void showPassFail (int aScore){ scoreLabel.setBackground((aScore == 100) ? :;}

private Label scoreLabel(){ return scoreLabel = new Label("Not Run", Label.CENTER);}

private List listOfTests (){ return listOfTests = new List(5);}

private Button runButton() { Button button = new Button("Run Tests"); button.addActionListener (runButtonListener()); return button;}

private WindowAdapter exitListener(){ return new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent anEvent) { System.exit(0);}};}

private ActionListener runButtonListener(){ return new ActionListener(){ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent anEvent){ testFrame.runTests(); testFrame.showResults();}};} }

import java.lang.*; public class Test extends Thread { public static String DeadlockMessage? = "Deadlock : Test timed out"; public boolean success = false; public String result = "not run";

public void setUp(){}

public void runTest()throws RuntimeException {}

public void tearDown(){}

public void should (boolean aTestPassed, String aMessage){ if (!aTestPassed) { throw new TestFailedException?(aMessage);};}

public void sleepHalfSecond(){ try { Thread.sleep(500);} catch (InterruptedException exception) {};}

public void setResultToBeDeadlock (){ testFailed(DeadlockMessage?);}

public void run(){ runAndCaptureAborts();}

public void runAndCaptureAborts() { try { runAndCaptureFailures();} catch (RuntimeException exception) { testFailed("Aborted : " + exception.getMessage());}}

private void runAndCaptureFailures()throws RuntimeException { try { runAndAllowExceptions();} catch (TestFailedException? exception) { testFailed("Failed : " + exception.getMessage());}}

private void runAndAllowExceptions()throws TestFailedException?, RuntimeException { runTest(); testPassed();}

private void testPassed(){ success = true; result = message("Passed");}

private void testFailed(String aMessage){ success = false; result = message(aMessage);}

private String message(String aString){ return getClass().getName() + " : " + aString;} }

public class TestFailedException? extends java.lang.RuntimeException {

TestFailedException?(String aMessage){ super(aMessage);} }

CategoryJava CategoryTime

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