Ivan wrote SketchPad which introduced a half dozen or more wonderful concepts to the field of interactive computer graphics. AlanKay once asked Ivan how he had been able to solve so many hard problems so early. Ivan replied that he just didn't know that they were supposed to be hard.
He was later involved in very early VirtualReality and 3D modeling work at the UniversityOfUtah and elsewhere.
He received the ACM TuringAward in 1988:
Sutherland seems to be dyslexic: he admits to difficulty with spelling, and didn't learn to read until the third grade. He says that this led to his interest in computer graphics: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1712558627021572786#9m45s
Sutherland talks about his life and research: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1712558627021572786