Interface Implementation By Delegation

InterfaceImplementation? of a ClassInterface? with an ObjectProperty?.

Related with InterfaceAggregation

In the DelphiLanguage this is provided by implements keyword

Explain how this is different from other languages or types of inheritance, or DeleteThisPageSoon.


IXInterface = interface(IUnknown) ['{713252E5-4636-11D5-B572-00AA00ACFD08}'] procedure XStaticMethod; procedure XVirtualMethod; end;

IYInterface = interface(IUnknown) ['{713252E6-4636-11D5-B572-00AA00ACFD08}'] procedure YMethod; end;

IZInterface = interface(IUnknown) ['{713252E4-4636-11D5-B572-00AA00ACFD08}'] end;

type TInnerObject = class(TAggregatedObject,IXInterface,IYInterface) public procedure XStaticMethod; procedure XVirtualMethod; virtual; procedure YMethod; end;

TSpecialObject = class(TInnerObject,IXInterface,IYInterface) public procedure XStaticMethod; procedure XVirtualMethod; override; procedure YMethod; end;

TFoo = class(TObject,IXInterface,IYInterface,IZInterface) private FInnerX: TInnerObject; protected function QueryInterface(const IID: TGUID; out Obj): HResult; virtual; stdcall; function _AddRef: Integer; stdcall; function _Release: Integer; stdcall; function GetX: TInnerObject; virtual; function GetY: IYInterface; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; property InnerX: TInnerObject read GetX implements IXInterface; property InnerY: IYInterface read GetY implements IYInterface; end;

TBar = class(TFoo,IXInterface,IYInterface,IUnknown) private FX: TSpecialObject; FY: IYInterface; protected function GetX: TInnerObject; override; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; property Y: IYInterface read FY implements IYInterface; property X: TSpecialObject read FX implements IXInterface; end;

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