Software Services Industry
- 600+ software companies
- 25K software developers and support personnel
Network Operator
- One of the best in the world
- Technology consumer
Hardware and Equipment Industry
- R&D cost high/ Thin profit for commoditized products
Economics and CommonSense may soon dictate a changing landscape which is virtual rather than physical, which minimizes the need for partitioning and concentrating development based on geography and politics, and rather concentrated on expertise and development skills which are economically viable.
Future Landscape:
- Scenarios of development which are physically dispersed with virtual collaboration and cooperation.
- People and Software which can be applied to the process of product development utilizing a Global Communication Environment where the scenario is similar to an auction where bidding can be either forward (escalating) or reverse (de-escalating), or both, depending on the supply/demand scenario.
- Profits and Earnings accrual to developers as well as companies, similar to commissions which traditionally have gone to those who market and sell. Such accruals would be apportioned to collaborators/developers based on the saleability and usability of the product.
- Ownership and marketability of successful approaches and methods as well as stake in a final product. What works in development and production has a marketing value as well.
Present Landscape (within the US? AmericanCulturalAssumption?):
No - the figures for the landscape in the US are far larger - I believe these are figures for a city or region in India. In the US, the state of Massachusetts alone has from 5 to 8 times the numbers given above.