Hungary is that little something in the middle of EasternEurope?.
The country called "Magyarország" and the people are "Magyars". Well, most of them.
"Magyar" is pronounced like "mod""jyar" ("mod" as in "modern" or "mah""d") ("jar" like the container, with a "y" sound in it.)It's there since 1000 AD when the son of the ruler fought and conquered his brother and instead of having a pagan religion followed Christianity, founded the country, got a pretty crown from the pope, and tried to live happily ever after, and succeeded for a limited time doing that, then died.
The country has a rich history of fighting people all around, sometimes winning (until appx. 1400 AD) and pretty much losing after (and it's not over yet). Ran over by the tatars (mongolians), then the turks, then the Austrians. After that, a monarchy with kicking the weaker neighbours like Hungarians were kicked before, but then came WorldWar? 1.
Founding a nasty habit, the country followed the wrong side (and doing that since then), and got taken apart after WW1, losing 60% of its area and population. After doing the same in WorldWar? 2, Hungary didn't have enough land to lose, so only lost some 10%, and you can check the remains on the map.
After that, having the longest "short affair" with the Russians (who came in and accidentally forgot to move out), the country tried to catch up with the flow and adopted the planet-wide accepted system of corruption-based democracy. Since then, politics towards anyone is friendly, since there is no working army inside anyway.
Well the people are just like other Europeans, yet different. Usually friendly, not too dumb, and not too happy. Unsatisfaction (if there is such a word) is in the Top 5 national habit.
It's well covered on DMOZ in and in Hungarian in, so I won't say anything more here.
Um, first edit in Wiki so please email grin(a)grin*hu before erasing me off the planet. :-)
-- PeterGervai
Hungarians have also invented Gulyas, that is a really spicy food and it is well known in Europe.
They have also invented the Flow, I mean MihalyCsikszentmihalyi who is Hungarian has invented the FlowThePsychologyOfOptimalExperience. Could anybody write a CookbookApproach for how designers can achieve this Flow during there work? And this in a context where the designer is surrounded by other people who could be DistractionFactor?.
-- MihalyElekes? (who is also Hungarian)
Nice to see again HungaryCountry? here! Our Australian friend tolerates it however.
Top 100 things we C2 non-Hungarians know about Hungary, could be extended as follows:
Romanian grammar is similar to the Latin grammar so similar to Italian, French etc. Latin languages grammar.
Hungarian grammar is similar to the Finn grammar and is very particular. Some rules are similar to German and Slav languages. For example in Latin languages, the position of an adjective related to a substantive is flexible.
Io ho visto una bella donna.
But also correct:
I ho visto una donna bella.
In Hungarian, like in German, the adjective comes always before the noun:
German: Ich habe ein schönes Mädchen gesehen. Hungarian: Láttam egy gyönyör nöt.
Other rules might sound strange for a foreigner. For example when conjugating the verb *to be* there is no form for 3*rd person sg. I is like: I am a developer. You are a developer. But: He developer.
To be continued* -- MihalyElekes?