Here. I have added a personal page. GberkeekrbG added 6/15/2004
Woodstock, NY 12498 Very interesting. (I mean wiki) also see
Using wikipedia: that is really way total cool: add "wiki" to the google search and you'll likely find a wiki entry. BTW, just had dinner at Chipotle in Saugerties (NOT part of the chain): excellent!
Sorry, Gerald, Wiki doesn't support HTML. See WhyDoesntWikiDoHtml. (By the way, do you plan to keep this an OrphanPage?) 6/26/2004: This isn't exactly orphaned: it is pointed to by my home page,, which is currently not working. I was wondering the wiki is indexed ever, and if I can get this link indexed. I intend to submit it for indexing. I've been using blogs and journals and such, but they are not serving me well for topics that I wish to revise and continue, so it may be that the wiki will work for me as relatively fixed ULRs to point to essays and the like.
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http://www.efreeguestbooks.comJanuary 6, 2003. Back from Ira's Barmitzvah in Chicago, visited with Steve and Leslie and Anna and Bennett (the bear family), saw Shelley and Margaret, went to a cousins breakfast with them, Whistlers, at Devon and McCormack?. View my Guestbook also see, in the spirit of the wiki web, The Book of Sand: also see my public writings:
September 7, 2002. Two days from Shelly's birthday. Saturday, Jeannette has been working for weeks on the garage sale.. next week. Its coming up to the anniversary of 9/11 and the media is full. Charlie Rose previewed a Front Line program to be aired on 9/11, one that examines how people of faith or no faith or some faith... what they thought then and now about god. The notion that there IS a knowing, caring god is simply ludicrous. And yet we pray. I pray. And I pray to god. And he does not exist. And in the sense of prayer, it obviously does not matter. Prayer is something I am going to do. Like those wonderful lines in "Shadow Lands"... "I pray because I can't help myself. It flows from me constantly, waking and sleeping. It doesn't change god, it changes me". Prayer is something we do that changes us. It may confer some real safety and well being on us. Based on our feelings, our need, we believe, some believe, in god. Still, there is none. Meaning is what we apply. The spiritual connection is real, but is really to ourselves, to life, to the planet: we do communicate with each other in many many ways. What about evil then? How can god be evil? How does evil exist. And why can some of THE most stupendous wrongs be carried proudly by religion? The southern church preached slavery as an absolute good. The Mongol hoards needed no religion at all. The church co-existed nicely with Hitler, and certainly nicely with every move of colonization: still does. Every religion uses its religion somehow to kill. But if god exists, it makes no sense, always excused by our not understanding the mysterious ways. (Pretty much the same faith we are asked to take in the upcoming invasion of Iraq) Well, again, god does not exist. But belief (which is built into us, and probably is some form into all life in varying degrees) does confer a strength on the believers, and that strength clearly goes either way. Under times of little stress, community and good will take the fore. Under stress, murder and mayhem come well into the lead.
In this sense, invading Iraq has a reason behind it, whether the reason is good or bad or known: we want to strike out against evil. Evil needs to be located, and that is any place where there may be another threat or a grouping of peoples who are in someway gladdened by the tragedy. Anyone at all who see's some good, who tries to rationalize, explain, learn is a threat to the experience and comfort to that evil.
We call upon Iraq to run from its place of evil as fast as it can. We plead for its quick, vocal and sincere conversion to goodness. Else, it is a symbol of evil and there is a strange symmetry called for, that eye for an eye, something in us, that says that we will attack and destroy evil, and that is however wrong, the right thing to do.
This is not a matter for discussion. This is the way it is. Absent god, absent the omnipotent, a great leader can only approximate what truly needs to be done, and it may be that that non existent god is the only one who knows unknown of what needs to be done.
No matter. We have no such leader who even looks for such a plan, and surely no one who could efficiently lead the plan. An act interpreted as evil cannot be allowed to benefit anyone, not until the evil is avenged.
We do it all the time.
November 28, 2001 Back from Micigan and Mafalda's funeral. Weather here in the east is still very warm... 65 today, but the snow from the north and the east might be headed this way. but so far: nothing. Early fall conditions. Need to see what is needed to get wiki web up to a private site and to see if it is password protected. Then to see what kind of html can be embedded in it: there is no editor?
September 23, sunday PM. End of a nice fall day.
Noverber14, 2001. Lots of things to do, including getting a wiki web up onto my own site, (oops, don't have my own site anymore) and cleaning up all the dead references. Still not getting the idisk to work, have to check out the iPod, the iMac, still video, a palm like devie that records and a new video recorder, and a network host. Maybe I can do cross platform from the mac. The PC platform is getting very expensive (MS windows costs getting steep indeed!)