Currently working as a software developer for Carmen Systems in Gothenburg, Sweden, writing applications to optimize air crew and vehicle planning.
Biographical Stuff
- * In software development since 1997.
- * Write mainly in C++ and Bourne Shell
- * Pet subjects for presentations: XP, Automatic Testing, Why Optimization is Fun
- * Have developed on both UNIX and Windows. Hated UNIX until I discovered sed and awk.
Methodological Affiliations
- * Agile Methodologies are the only way to Heaven.
- * I am a paid up XP follower, but belong to the Liberal branch (you can get benefits without doing all of it, and I am prepared to change it)
- * Don't really believe in Unit Testing at the moment. (see IsXpUnitTestingBest)
- * Investigating DSDM as my employer recently employed two of the DSDM High Priesthood.