Moved from FunctoidsInCpp
'Aargh! The goggles! They do nothing!''
Seriously, this is a most striking example of GreenSpunning. Would it really have hurt that much to use a language from the *ML family in the first place?
Will the author of this comment please read ParkingTicket and ConversationalChaff.
If this is a serious comment it imputes on the quality of the work, as the page on GreenSpunning includes the word bug-ridden. I am unable to discuss this with the anonymous contributor. I suggest that person show how they can implement the FunctionalPatternSystemForObjectOrientedDesign in a language of choice. That would be a positive contribution to the discussion.
-- JohnFletcher
Whoever the anonymous commenter is, he has suggested that you use a language in the ML family. I assume he means OcamlLanguage or one of its siblings, which is a functional, object-oriented language. That is, there's nothing to show because the language just does the right thing.
You're missing the point:
Thank you for the comments. I am not the original author of the FC++ code, but have now spent a lot of time working on it as well as using it. I had looked at OcamlLanguage at one stage. It seems to use StrictEvaluation rather than LazyEvaluation, which is what I need. My main reason for working in CeePlusPlus is to integrate with other code for CliffordAlgebra which is in C++. I find that in practice I don't need a lot of code to make a big difference, e.g. to turn a member function of a class into an object which can be passed around. The ObserverPatternInCeePlusPlus is one example of this.
-- JohnFletcher
'... providing real [functional features] to people who are required by customers to use C++ ....'
Surely many of the customers who require C++ do so to ensure that the resulting code is "understandable" to their (in-house/contract) C++ developers. Isn't using FC++ going to hinder that? Does it follow the letter, but not the spirit, of the requirement to use C++?
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