Formal Review Process
Problem: Code and design inspections are not happening often enough to be effective, or the inspections are not rigorous enough to be effective.
(I have even seen employee performance scores affected by their adherence to a code standard, which was enforced by the review process)
Resulting Context: Code and/or design reviews are being done according to known guidelines for everything produced by a development team.
Related Patterns: See CodeReviewPatterns.
I've read (and firmly believe) that CodeReviews are near-worthless without good CodingConventions and that it is impossible to maintain CodingConventions without CodeReviews. --JeremyCromwell
A lot of Smalltalk groups maintain CodingConventions without formal code reviews. The code gets read a lot by everyone on the team, but not in a review. So, I don't think the second half of this statement is true.
What is a FormalReviewProcess? This pattern says "have one", but it doesn't say what one is. --RalphJohnson
I think for most people FormalReviewProcess = "It's written down". Sort of like ISO9000. --JasonYip