Enclosing text in TwoSingleQuotes emphasizes it by putting <em></em> tags around it in the document delivered to and displayed by the browser. ThreeSingleQuotes result in <strong></strong> tags. As a consequence, FiveSingleQuotes should produce text that is rendered both emphasized and strong.
Let's check this. <-- This works out to --> Let's <strong><em>check</strong></em> this.
As you can see, this isn't proper HTML; the tags are nested incorrectly. However, the code works fine under almost every browser -- in fact, no one has yet cited a specific browser/platform combination that fails to properly render this. As a consequence, there is no reason to avoid using FiveSingleQuotes, but it would be nice if this bug could be fixed, as generating proper HTML is GoodPractice? and a GoodThing, whereas trying how far the browsers' error recovery routines can be pushed and encouraging sloppy markup arguably are BadThings.
See also: TwoSingleQuotes, ThreeSingleQuotes, FourSingleQuotes, SixSingleQuotes