JustaProgrammer who follows the tenets of ExtremeProgramming. Disciplines herself to know how long things will take via PlanningGame; to do RelentlessTesting; to DoTheSimplestThingThatCouldPossiblyWork; to RefactorMercilessly.
Can I be an ExtremeProgrammer without being part of an ExtremeProgramming team?
Who would you do your PairProgramming with?
Perhaps no one, but consider ExtremeProgrammingForOne.
If you must use a plural form, be sure not to use a word ending in "s", instead of PairProgrammers, you might use something like: PairProgrammingConsist, or PairProgrammingTeam. If you have more than one team, you might use PairProgrammingTeamGrouping. I personally prefer the more direct and simpler PairProgrammers.