Page (last changed 2001 without useful backlinks) retargeted for material related to making ServiceOrientedArchitecture work. -- dl
Temporary material parked here
WebServicesDiscussions - time to reopen the book?
It appears to me I have landed on a goldmine, in the form of a GridComputing approach to implementing ServiceOrientedArchitecture. Most of the material appear to be UK based initiatives and have reference implementations that is more JavaPlatform oriented. However in some architectural papers I have also seen DonBox influence. So maybe there is hope yet for JavaAndDotNet working together.
GRIA services at
TrustedConnection makes ExtremeOrchestration extreme
WebServices SecureConversation and links to WebServicesSecurity, views from IBM Tony Nadalin in Sep04, at,289202,sid26_gci1006272,00.html