One Place, as in a selected, remembered, unique place, such as a Filing Cabinet, a Box BigEnough?, or a StorageFacility? ThinkingOutLoud.DonaldNoyes.20140819
We are prone to put stuff Just Anywhere, and to name our files Just Anything.
No wonder we have trouble finding Our Stuff!
We have all heard if not once, hundreds of times:
What I am advocating, is not for our universe of stuff, but of the stuff we are going to need to get to, knowing where and what it is. Not an easy task.
I remember vaquely a story I once heard of a doctor, who had all of his stuff in filing cabinets organized as the human body (using medical names and terminology). It was said he was never at point if not being able to find his stuff.
The secret is having a ModelOfOrganization? in mind when you name or tag your stuff (choose where to put it). After many years of using computers and computer filing systems, I am not finally in a place of realizing that scheme for my stuff.
What kind of schemes do you use to get to your stuff?