An EnDeme is an instance of an EndemeSet. Endemes provide InformationOriented profiles for data which may be used as metadata or for the following 24 uses:
- DecisionAutomation?.
- ResourceAllocation?.
- Richer status information.
- Richer MetaData.
- Balancing, ordering, and prioritization.
- Data–>Information–>Ontologies->AI stack.
- Filtering, searching, and matching.
- Indexing UnorderableInformation?.
- Human-computer CreativePartnering?.
- Using the results of data mining - The results are not just a report anymore.
- Mutual languages for DataNetworking?.
- DataContextProcessing?.
- Anti-aliasing data and information (like Gray codes and .jpgs).
- ConflatedInformation? handling (0NF).
- MutualLanguages? for humans and/or computers.
- Using and creating InformationProxies?.
- KnowledgeAutomation?.
- ImportanceManagement?.
- NaturalLanguage.
- CondensingData? - sparse data or information, assimilating database complexity.
- SignatureRecognition?.
- Overlooked possibility identification.
- GeneticAlgorithms.
- ComputationalCreativity? / ArtificialCreativity - Creating new things programatically.