Refactoring has several styles, And Authors have some honest concerns about what is done with the words they have fashioned into a page with a topic, Often, the page has very divergent views which, when pursued, lead to a confusing accumulation of views which are quite different in approach and in topic. As a result, an Editor will make changes in the page to concentrate the material and collect common themes into a whole presentation. In the process, a discovery might be made that material on the page would be better treated if it were placed on a separate page. The page is then split, with the separated material being inserted in the new page and then deleted from the origination page. In many cases, the separated material might be excluded from the page by deletion. In either case, the editing may be viewed by some as DrasticReEditing. The following is a description of one such case:
There are pages here, everywhere on WardsWiki that need drastic re-editing. People ramble, they let the topic drift, they repeat one another. To clarify, you need to move content around, you need to be able to edit for the new context. And, yes, you need to be able to change other people's prose.
In one case, an author who signed his work, asks that what he writes (other than minimal corrections) should not be changed. If all pages were treated in this manner, the Wiki could and would not improve.
Another has the view: If you are possessive about your words, you should not put them on a Wiki.
It is the very nature of this wiki that change is inevitable. If you wish to keep something as it is, merely copy it to your machine, where you can exercise any control you wish upon its content. Otherwise, material in this shared space must be assumed to becoming changed or deleted over time.
Since no one individual truly owns the material that is here, or has been or will be here, you must consider what you put here to as subject to change. What you consider you own, keep, what you wish to share, post. Then see what comes of it. It may improve or disappear, just wait and see. This is the nature of this collaboration in the WikiNow.