Computer Science Dept, SUNY Oswego, Oswego, NY 13126
I mostly work on software design --- doing it, writing about it. You can get some of these from my home page [1].
My interest in patterns started with BruceAnderson's first OOPSLA ArchitectureHandbookWorkshop in 1991. Actually, I didn't think about these things as `patterns' until after the 2nd workshop in 1992. This was a much smaller group (I think about 20 of us, including KentBeck, the to-be GangOfFour, and others of future patterns fame). We spent the day flailing a lot - getting excited about patterns (except we were just calling them `entries') without being able to produce any that were very good, or even being able to agree on what they should look like. I do not think that any of us left the workshop feeling that we had accomplished much. Yet afterwards, nearly all of us started taking the ideas much more seriously, and started producing enough patterns in similar enough ways to start making good on their promise.
I wonder why my address keeps getting typed as SONY, not SUNY (the State University of New York). I just fixed it above here. I don't think I've ever typed it wrong myself.
I'm about to try adding an entry on TipsForWritingPatternLanguages