Cpp Unit Once And Only Once Hack

I've created a Python hack so I don't have to create/change my CppUnit test names in three places. The script reads a .cpp file ( eg tests.cpp ), finds the names of all your tests, and writes the appropriate declarations to the corresponding .h file.

Note that this is a personal hack, released here in case it's useful to anyone, and comes with no guarantees, assurances, or claims to being good code : ) This might also duplicate known techniques, be an inferior solution, be brittle code, etc, etc.

However, I have found it extremely useful, and thus I share it here.


Note that the script expects spaces for your ( C++ ) source code indentation; if you use tabs this script may need modification.

Feel free to refactor this source code, or tell me why it sucks, or whatever you like : )


Python script follows:

  import os, re

# change these to the name your test files testSourceFileName = 'tests.cpp' testHeaderFileName = 'tests.h'

# gather test declarations from the source file:

testSourceFile = file( testSourceFileName, 'r') source = testSourceFile.read() testSourceFile.close()

# note that we ignore tests whose names are line-commented out with '//' # but would still include multi-line commented out tests, if the comment began on an earlier line # so use line-comments '//' if you want to comment out tests testNames = re.findall( r'\ns*void Tests::(test\w+)\(\)', source )

testMacros = [ ( ' CPPUNIT_TEST( %s );' % testName ) for testName in testNames ] memberDeclarations = [ ( ' void %s();' % testName ) for testName in testNames ]

# read header file, delete old version:

testHeaderFile = file( testHeaderFileName, 'r') header = testHeaderFile.read() testHeaderFile.close() os.remove( testHeaderFileName )

# substitute in the test names:

cre = re.compile( '( *// BEGIN_GENERATED_BLOCK_TEST_MACROS //)' + '(.*?)' + '( *// END_GENERATED_BLOCK_TEST_MACROS //)', re.DOTALL )

header = cre.sub( r'\1\n\n' + '\n'.join( testMacros ) + r'\n\n\3', header )


header = cre.sub( r'\1\n\n' + '\n'.join( memberDeclarations ) + r'\n\n\3', header )

# finally, create a 'new' header file with the generated contents:

testHeaderFile = file( testHeaderFileName, 'w') testHeaderFile.write( header ) testHeaderFile.close()

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