Guidelines to prevent a language comparison from turning into a LanguagePissingMatch:
- Never dismiss a feature just because you don't see a use for it. Other people might use it all the time. Examples: MultipleInheritance, Closures, ...
- Never state that a construct seems preferable without explaining why it seems preferable.
- Use EprimeLanguage. That's to say, try to stop yourself from saying things like "ComIsLove". Explain instead what seems lovely to you.
- Another useful technique is to expose one's lack of understanding. Like "I don't understand how one implements polymorphism in VisualBasic", or "I don't see how X works better than Y." Others will be glad to enlighten you. (Be sure to avoid BrutalSarcasm, however--it rarely works in writing.)
- Try to avoid 'league tables'. (e.g. 'More shrink wrap apps are written in Language A than Language B'.)
- If you are debating a non-technical issue (e.g. extent of penetration into a market) try to remember that it may have nothing to do with technical merit.
- Question your motives. What do you want out of the discussion, do you want to learn? win? comfort yourself that you will still have a job in 5 years? decide which language to go for next in order to still be in a job in 5 years?
- Do you feel angry when you read criticisms of your language? Do you feel undermined? Better work out why; these things are just not that important.
- If you are debating to score points make it clear up front and put Advocacy in the page title!