Here is a taxonomy of various orientations and their categories: ArtificialIntelligenceOriented? - ArtificialCreativity - CategoryArtificialCreativity - ArtificialIntelligence - CategoryArtificialIntelligence - ArtificialNeuralNetworks - CategoryArtificialNeuralNetwork? - EmergentSystems - CategoryEmergence - GameTheory - CategoryGame - GeneticAlgorithm InformationOriented - CategoryInformationOrientation - InformationEngineering - CategoryInformationEngineering - EnDemes - CategoryEndemeSet - FuzzyLogic - CategoryFuzzy - DataMining - CategoryDataMining - Context - CategoryContext - SemanticWeb - CategorySemanticWeb - SasInstitute - CategoryStatistics - AspectOrientedProgramming - CategoryAspectOrientation - SearchEngine - DynamicRelational DataOriented - CategoryDataOrientation - ObjectOrientation - CategoryObjectOrientation - RelationalDatabases - CategoryRelationalDatabase - FunctionalProgramming - CategoryFunctionalProgramming - SoftwareDesignPatterns - CategoryPattern - LogicProgrammingLanguage - CategoryLogic - TableOrientedProgramming - CategoryDatabase MachineOriented? - CategoryMachineOrientation - LowLevelSolutionThis is not an attempt to organize wiki. It is an attempt to define various kinds of orientation by providing examples using a taxonomy, by focusing on wiki categories.
See also