This is a way for a collaborating group to play with ideas on a topic.
It has several constructive features: you can produce any number and type of inputs without having them counted or evaluated; your inputs will be interpreted by several people, so generating new angles; there is a good mix of parallel (efficient brain use) and serial (generate mutual understanding) activities; a visible record is generated.
A nice extension to the common group brainstorming technique of getting participants to write ideas on a card, passing the card on and using the card you receive to spark extra ideas which you then add to that card.
Benefit of CardSwap is that each idea is captured separately so it is easy to filter duplicates, and being able to generate new cards allows for an explosion of ideas.
One concern I have though is that it seems to lose the connections between the ideas, since each card is separate. However context is not always important, so it looks to be a useful addition.
-- PeteMcBreen
Compare to BrainStorm, BrainWriting