Canvas Test

 * File : canvastest.c
 * Description : Simple application to demonstrate the use of the GnomeCanvas
 *         with libglade, and hopefully gdk-pixbuf's.
 * Dependencies :
 * Author : Andrae Muys <>
 * Date : 22nd November 2000
 * License : GPL.

#include <glade/glade.h> #include <glade/glade-build.h> #include <gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf.h> #include <gnome.h>

#define FILENAME ""

GladeXML *xml;

GtkWidget? *NewGnomeCanvas?(GladeXML *xml, GladeWidgetInfo? *info) { double x1, x2, y1, y2; double ppu = 1.0; int aa = 1; GList *attrlist = info->attributes; GnomeCanvas *canvas;


while(attrlist) { GladeAttribute? *attr = (GladeAttribute? *)attrlist->data; if (strcmp(attr->name, "scroll_x1")) { x1 = atof(attr->value); } else if (!strcmp(attr->name, "scroll_x2")) { x2 = atof(attr->value); } else if (!strcmp(attr->name, "scroll_y1")) { y1 = atof(attr->value); } else if (!strcmp(attr->name, "scroll_y2")) { y2 = atof(attr->value); } else if (!strcmp(attr->name, "anti-aliased")) { if (!strcmp(attr->value, "False")) { aa = 0; } else { aa = 1; } } else if (!strcmp(attr->name, "pixels_per_unit")) { ppu = atof(attr->value); } attrlist = g_list_next(attrlist); } if (aa) { /* gtk_widget_push_visual(gdk_rgb_get_visual()); gtk_widget_push_colormap(gdk_rgb_get_cmap()); */ canvas = (GnomeCanvas*)gnome_canvas_new_aa(); /* gtk_widget_pop_visual(); gtk_widget_pop_colormap(); */ } else { g_warning("Gdk mode for gnomeCanvas Depreciated."); gtk_widget_push_visual(gdk_imlib_get_visual()); gtk_widget_push_colormap(gdk_imlib_get_colormap()); canvas = (GnomeCanvas*)gnome_canvas_new(); gtk_widget_pop_visual(); gtk_widget_pop_colormap(); }

gnome_canvas_set_scroll_region(canvas, x1, y1, x2, y2); gnome_canvas_set_pixels_per_unit(canvas, ppu);

return GTK_WIDGET(canvas); }

GladeWidgetBuildData? customWidgets[] = { { "GnomeCanvas", NewGnomeCanvas?, NULL }, { NULL, NULL, NULL }, };

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { GtkWidget? *canvas; GnomeCanvasItem? *item; GnomeCanvasItem? *pixitem; GdkPixbuf? *pixbuf;

gnome_init("canvastest", "0.01", argc, argv); glade_init();


xml = glade_xml_new(FILENAME, "mainWindow"); if(!xml) { g_warning("Could not load interface."); return 1; }

canvas = glade_xml_get_widget(xml, "canvas"); /* item = gnome_canvas_item_new(gnome_canvas_root(GNOME_CANVAS(canvas)), gnome_canvas_rect_get_type(), "x1", 100.0, "y1", 100.0, "x2", 300.0, "y2", 300.0, "fill_color_rgba", 0x3cb37180, "outline_color", "black", "width_units", 4.0, NULL); */

pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file("/export/home/andrae/src/outlandish/water.jpg"); if (pixbuf == NULL) { g_warning("couldn't load pixmap"); } else { pixitem = gnome_canvas_item_new(gnome_canvas_root(GNOME_CANVAS(canvas)), gnome_canvas_pixbuf_get_type(), "pixbuf", pixbuf, NULL); gdk_pixbuf_unref(pixbuf); }

glade_xml_signal_autoconnect(xml); gtk_object_unref(GTK_OBJECT(xml));


return 0; }

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