Not unobviously, an attempt to save the baby of BigDesignUpFront while throwing out the bathwater.
From OptimisticProgrammingSkunkworks - day 20030108:
BigDesignOutBack is sort of a shacking up of XP and architecture. Impossible, you say. And you're right. The key is that the architectural model is not implemented -it's a pure Platonic form. Implementation proceeds according to strict XP principles.
Into the BigDesignOutBack go all the good old noun/verb entity/relation business model things we would be building in a WaterFall methodology, e.g., in the RUP UseCase analysis process. It evolves with every new UserStory. We get to play with all the cute UML diagrams and whatever without fear of a RealitySmackDown.
There are two uses for BigDesignOutBack:
Can be seen as an elaboration of the residue of the game and intermediate products as described in SoftwareDevelopmentAsaCooperativeGame.
[More to come -- TomRossen]