This page is *very* out of date. See the BicycleRepairMan source for unit tests - PhilDawes
Describe BicycleRepairUnitTests here erase and archive once they are written and in CVS.
Do they start with:
#!usr/local/bin/env/pythonAnd continue with:
import unittest #thank you StevePurcellI have a strong opinion that the first test should be to start load a and ask for a dictionary of and match that against a predetermined dictionary.
What do you think? -lap
I wrote tests on the basis that it just needed to work.
#!/usr/bin/python import unittest, bicyclerepair, testmodule1 class bicyclerepairTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def RunTest?(): b = bicyclerepair.bicyclerepair() b.load("") #so we've loaded the test data d = { "class" : "classname" "method" : "methodname" } t = b.export("testmodule1") #ask bicycle repair for a dictionary(nicely) for keys() in d:#this isn't it i'm goingto sleep now