IndividualizedAutomatedProcess? designed to operate on Collections of Artifacts ThinkingOutLoud.DonaldNoyes.20120823.20131123
In the process of collecting artifacts, it is noted that there are occasions when a process which extends their usefulness might be employed. One such process is call WikiBatics.
It originated in a desire to collect time sampled collections (snapshots) of a number of related pages as data, first within a collection of RecentChanges pages separated as a collection per day. This includes a single days worth (daily list) of pages as found in RecentChanges (collection list) as well as the individual pages as of that day within a portable format document (pdf).
We need examples, one wikizen said to me several years ago
It is but one possible use of an ArtifactoryProcess.
Others (let your imagination roam) exist which operate in other ways on collections.