Applied Software Architecture

Applied Software Architecture (The Addison-Wesley Object Technology Series)

by Christine Hofmeister, Robert Nord, Dilip Soni - ISBN 0-201-32571-3

Provides practical guidelines and techniques for producing quality software designs using the 4+1 view of architecture -- conceptual, module, execution, code, and summary. Makes extensive use of UML.

Designing a large software system is an extremely complicated undertaking that requires juggling differing perspectives and differing goals, and evaluating differing options. Applied Software Architecture is the best book yet that gives guidance as to how to sort out and organize the conflicting pressures and produce a successful design.

-- Len Bass, author of SoftwareArchitectureInPractice.

See also: InterestedInSoftwareArchitecture, SoftwareArchitecture, SoftwareArchitectureInPractice


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