Welcome to my page.
I am a Hindu, an Indian and a Bengali in that order.
My interests are in curing diabetes, promoting "curing of eyesight by natural methods" [http://eye.taragana.com/ ], StemCell? research, JavaArchitectureAndDesign?, ExtremeProgramming.
I am founder of Taragana [ http://www.taragana.com ]. Our goal is to lead the way in designing outstanding products and services, specifically rejuvenate the budding product market in India. Our clients are major bio-technology companies. Our solution is current being used by major pharmaceutical companies & universities. We focus on developing web & enterprise solutions with Java, J2EE technologies.
What's new?
A few JavaTips for you. Please refer to "my java blog" [http://blog.taragana.com/] for recent updates. Feel free to add to the list. Some thoughts on ExtremeProgramming from a DifferentAngle.
Spiritually the most influential person in my life - Swami Vivekananda - http://www.vivekananda.org/.