Aluo Nowu


Info on anything can be requested by simply asking here. I hang (here) sometimes. WikiWiki is AlmostGenius?.

AmericanCulturalAssumption MountRushmore MostPeopleAreStupid? DramaticIdentity LawOfDemeter

DoubleBufferedGraphicsInJava FoldFunction

RavioliWiki ProgrammingIsLife

... if you think that LifeIsProgramming, you need to get out more. -- SunirShah

Recently, I have begun moving away from EiffelLanguage, and back into SmalltalkLanguage. I *really* don't like JavaLanguage, but I might seem to be floating towards that.

Wiki is great. I dont like the Java language, but I do like the namespaces and class files.

SeasonedSmalltalker FutureOfSmalltalk

BondageAndDisciplineLanguage AlternativesToCeePlusPlus RefactoringWithCeePlusPlus GarbageCollectionInCpp GeneratingCppFromSmalltalk RomanceLanguage

TheMatrix EasternPhilosophy

OpenSourceIsMoreSecure StableWindows


OpportunisticRefactoring MoveMethod IntermediateValues LocalVariablesAreBad


DomainObject DeadLock


EiffelLanguage ExternalIterator PythonPhilosophy


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